340B enables community health centers to stretch scarce resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services. The “340B carve-out” will be devastating to safety net healthcare providers across the state and in Western New York; without it, care will be ripped away from those truly in need. Leave 340 be.
Endangers Health Outcomes
340B funding makes health programs possible that would not otherwise be financially viable – primary care, specialty care, and wraparound services. Things like emergency housing, dental services, nutrition, care coordination would be decimated; mental and behavioral health services and more would be cut significantly. Patients who’ve come to rely on programs like this for health and wellbeing will be turned away; these are programs that are minimally covered by insurance, or not covered by insurance at all.
Devastating Economic Impacts
340B's stable and predictable funding stretches already limited resources to be better able to serve patients and communities in WNY. Hundreds of healthcare jobs would be lost in WNY; and all the lost jobs serve vulnerable, marginalized communities that have no other options. Tens of millions of dollars will be ripped from safety net providers’ budgets, jobs and programs slashed to close the gap.
Only underserved populations will pay the price
340B is a “safety net” program for the underserved; pulling it away ONLY targets those in need. A policy that ONLY negatively impacts those in need is not equitable and will harm WNYers. Don’t fix a state budget issue on the backs of those without a voice; 340B isn’t broken.
Share your voice and ask Gov. Hochul to protect our most underserved communities and repeal the 340B carve-out today!